A Congress of Passions (medium voice, oboe, piano), Op.62
Category | | Vocal |
Composed | | 1993-1994 |
Duration (approx) | | 11 minutes |
Parts | | Medium voice, oboe, piano
Text Author(s) | | Sappho | Text Language | | Greek | Notes | | Also version for medium voice, oboe, 14 strings, Op.63a.
| Related Works | | A Congress of Passions (medium voice, oboe, strings), Op.62a | Publisher | | Faber Music | Commission | | Michael Chance, Nicholas Daniel and Julius Drake with funds provided by South East Arts.
| First performance | | 20 March 1994 | Venue | | Cranbrook School, Kent | Soloists / Players | | Michael Chance (counter-tenor), Nicholas Daniel (oboe), Julius Drake, (piano) | Review | | Tim Ashley, The Guardian, 13 June 2001 | | | The piece is impressive, strong in its brevity and aphoristic tension. Lush strings – the Britten Sinfonia sound is very opulent – and ricocheting oboe phrases encapsulate the “bitter sweetness” of desire. The “fire that races benath the skin” cues a twitchy, obsessive blues. The cantata ends with a famous meditation on the setting moon and Pleiades. The strings unfold a sequence of shivery Bergian chords, and voice and oboe briefly entwine before the singer is left in solitude. Throughout, Chance’s voice hovers in a world beyond gender, perhaps acknowledging that we at long last accept a universality of emotion in Sappho that transcends orientation.
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